Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I am always trying to think of ways to jazz up recipes.  I especially like to make new things for when the kids are here.  So last week instead of just plain french toast, I whipped up this little delight, and let me tell you it was a big hit with the family.  It seems to be really easy to get creative when you are cooking for someone else.  That is why I love it when family are here.  All kinds of new recipes form in my mind.  Anyway, this is going to be a Holiday weekend coming up, so if you are not on the road, give this recipe a try for your family.  I know they will love it as much as we all did.


Serves 2  (just double for four)

4 slices of thick cut bread
2 Bananas cut in half and sliced again in half lengthwise
Chopped Pecans
3 eggs
Zest of one orange
About 2 to 3 tablespoons of Cream (or milk) to add to the beaten eggs
Panko Crumbs
4 or 5 large Strawberries

Nutella is a wonderful Hazelnut spread made with cream and all natural, good things.  If you have never tried it, now is the time.
Spread a generous layer of Nutella on each slice of the bread all the way to the edges.  Lay the sliced bananas almost just to the edge of the bread.  Sprinkle the other half of the bread with the chopped pecans, gently pressing them into the Nutella. Place on top of the half with the bananas.  Press the edges together gently.  Whip the eggs with the cream and the orange zest in a pie plate.  Put the Pankp crumbs into another pie plate.  Dip the sandwiches into the egg mixture on both sides as you would for french toast, then into the Panko crumbs.  Melt 1 stick of butter in a skillet.  Fry the sanwiches until golden brown and crispy on both sides.  Make sure the butter is hot but not browned.

Remove from the skillet and dust with powdered sugar.  Serve with slices of Strawberries.  You won't need syrup for this one.  Yummy!

Thanks for stopping in today

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