Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Hi everyone.  Every once in awhile I get out all my old pictures from when I was little and lived in the "Big House" with my Grandparents and cousins.  The result of that always ends up with the same results, a lot of smiles and also some tears. And always with many long forgotten memories.  It brought to mind one of my favorites.  After my Grandmother was done with all her labors of the day, working in the garden for hours, cooking etc., she would sit out on the porch or in a chair under one of the big cherry trees, and my two cousins and I would pull out her gray hairs.  She only had a few at the time.  I remember thinking she must be very old when in fact she was in her early forties.  The sun would be shining, and she would sing us songs in Italian while we searched for the elusive gray hairs.  Then as a treat, she would take us by the hand and we would all walk into the garden and pick the flowers from the Zucchini.  We knew we were about to get a mouth watering treat.  Back to the house and the kitchen and there she would fry up the most delectable, heavenly treat of all.  Zucchini Flowers.  So today I will share them with you.  My kids and my Grand children are all wild for these also.


Salt and pepper
Olive Oil
Mozzarella Cheese for a variation

Make a batter of eggs and flour.  It should be like pancake batter. (on the thick side but not too thick)  Gently hold the flower by the end and dip into the batter.  Fry quickly in hot olive oil.  Just until lightly browned on both sides.  Remove, let drain on a paper towel, salt and pepper and eat while hot.
You can also insert a finger of Mozzarella into the flower, dip in the batter and fry.  Can also be served with Marinara sauce.  But just plain with salt and pepper and hot out of the pan is my favorite.

Enjoy this dish for a snack or a side for dinner.  Get the flowers at your Farmers Market starting in the late Spring and Summer.  Or grow your own.

How lucky we were to have grown up in such a time.  When treats were those amazing Flowers instead of candy.  Personally I could eat them until I fall over.  I hope you will try them when they are available.

Thanks for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. what a sweet memory with your Grandmother :) I've never, ever, heard of eating zuchinni flowers!
